Sundays are quickly becoming my favorite day of the week. A typical Sunday for us goes something like this…
After lunch, which is really dinner, Adam and I head to our bed. Traditionally this is when we would talk together until I fell asleep, but I can’t do the nap anymore so we just lay and talk. Apparently we’ve done this for so long that the girls now know to let mom and dad have some alone time; however, there comes a time when they just can’t take it any more and inevitably we find them sneaking in to reclaim us.
It usually looks something like this…
Our comfy little haven broken up by our girls climbing all over us. It goes on for a while until we can’t handle it anymore and then we begin to tickle. Then everything calms down for a bit. Adam does his thing, the girls do there’s, and I do mine. The girls are really passing the time until Adam let’s them know it’s baking time. We usually make cookies, but it varies. Pineapple is on line levitra a rich source of vitamin C and believes it can reduce the risk of uterine bleeding, painful menstruation, and miscarriage. Clearly, Horny goat weed is true to an viagra sales australia extent considering that the bulk of the purchase for Kamagra jelly is done by older men. The Spanish viagra vs cialis found that what was good for their relationship. buy cialis online Sometimes, the condition is temporarily caused by external factors and it gets disappeared as the factors go away. Last week we made banana bread because we had lots of ripe bananas and today, because we are having a BBQ tomorrow, we made chocolate cake. and there is of course a lot of taste testing. Now this is where the normal routine stops and it beomes a little unclear. Some Sundays we sit down to watch a movie together or Americas Funniest Home Videos. Other times, like last Sunday, we picked pears off our tree. Then because we were outside we made an evening of it. Adam and I hunkered down and talked (round 2) while the girls played with one another. I so enjoy watching them play, especially when they get along, and hearing/seeing where their imagination takes them. I will definitely miss these warm summer nights. Last Sunday we took a walk and delivered some banana bread to our new neighbors. Walking use to be a big Sunday tradition, but when there got to be too many kids to push in a stroller and too many hills we stopped. I think I’m ready to reintroduce the walk…it was so enjoyable. The other thing I love about Sundays is Mondays are next and I love Mondays…especially holiday Mondays.
[she doesn’t look like she’s enjoying herself, but I assure you she is.]
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