Last Tuesday I was talking with one of my 17 year old yw who wanted to skip the activity to stay home and watch One Tree Hill. I tried convincing her it was a mistake, but she in turned started telling me about the show. It sounds like your typical teen drama, but something she said caught my attention that had me thinking for the rest of the week. Apparently the episode that got her hooked involved a sketch of a whole bunch of people with one singled out that read, they are not you. It’s four simple words and yet when I heard it I knew that it meant something to me.

I’m just an ordinary girl doing ordinary things and as much as I do love my life I still struggle with feeling like I’ll never get it or I’m just not good enough or what difference could I really make?

Then I heard this yesterday in church by Bishop H. Burke Peterson

“Do you think for a moment that Heavenly Father would have sent one of His children to this earth by accident, without the possibility of a significant work to perform?…“My dear friends, you are a royal generation. You were preserved to come to the earth in this time for a special purpose. Not just a few of you, but all of you. There are things for each of you to do that no one else can do.

This quote resonated with me and as I sat and thought about Bishop Peterson’s words and the statement THEY ARE NOT YOU I was inspired to do this art journal entry.

Each of us is unique in our own way and here with a specific purpose. Nearly eight in Americans eat fast food in restaurant monthly and half of them said they cialis soft canada eat fast food weekly. With the passage of time and viagra generika increasing technology this education was shortened and had taken the form of liquid. Within the federal structure and the member states, there are groups of experts who adopt an evidence-based Learn More Here order viagra prescription approach to the practice of medicine. Some of these side effects viagra overnight no prescription include: drowsiness, breathlessness, skin rashes, male breasts and swelling of face, tongue, and liver, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, painful or prolonged erection and chest paining. To some that may be a grand purpose and to others it may be very simple, but the fact remains the same, it is something that no one else can do. It’s interesting that we’re taught these simple concepts as a child and through our youth and yet it is still something that I need to be reminded of. I think part of the reason I keep forgetting is my ongoing battle with comparison. Adam and I have a saying that goes like this, “comparison is the thief of joy“. If you really think about it, it’s so true. Focusing on others rob us from living our own life, from trying, from reaching and even seeing our own potential.

I wish I had done this art journal entry on canvas so I could hang it up and remind myself daily that I am me. I have a purpose. I can do something that no one else can do.

They are not me.

They are not you.

We can make a difference.