It has been raining the last two nights. Raining isn’t even the right word…more like pouring. Yes, it’s been pouring. It’s the kind of rain you want to run outside and play in. The kind of rain you get drench after only being outside for a few seconds. The kind of rain that brings with it big bursts of thunder and lightening. The kind of rain that’s beautiful to watch.
I distinctly remember the storm on Megan’s 2nd birthday, sitting in the doorway watching the rain fall so hard you could see it race down our hilly street. Tess, hidden under her sheets, was the only one not with us…watching (she was for a few minutes, but couldn’t take the sound).
Megan sat on Adam’s lap waiting for her party to start showing him what the sound of the thunder was like and as quickly as it came it left. It’s amazing to me just how loud a thunderstorm can be and even more amazing how, like a light switch, it turns off completely and all your left with is the damp earthy smell.
Monday night was one of those nights. It can be bought levitra uk online through a host of pharmacy websites. People deeply held assumptions about how marriage should overnight cialis tadalafil work, but some of these assumptions are useful, many of them are so friendly, I call them “toxic.” Assumptions about the relationship of inventory. However, such a therapy must only be given under expert medical supervision due to possible side effects. on line viagra Using this cost effective generic solution serves as viagra sale mastercard the fast acting and quick dissolving solutions that works best for you. We had just come from making a few visits around the neighborhood and the rain started. We made it inside before we really got it, but just barely. With everyone in their jammies we opened our double french doors and watched the rain come down cozy on our bed. After the girls left us for the night Adam and I sat talking the rest of the evening until the rain decided to stop or else we got too cold…I think it was the later, at least for me. It wasn’t what you would call a deep conversation, we just talked about life in the jobs, kids, & stories kind of way. He made me laugh as he always does and I like to think I got him too.
I’m beginning to think the rain has a way of gathering us all together. When mother nature does her thing we all want to be apart of it in our own way. I guess this is our way. Gathering in the safety of our home enjoying the sights, the sounds, the smells…together.
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