I’ve been sitting with my thoughts for over a week now hoping the words would begin to flow and I would be able to adequately express what this experience meant to me. I suppose it’s always hard to attempt to sum up an experience that is so near and dear to your heart in words. When something touches your core there are no words that can possibly do it justice, but I attempt nevertheless because I long to remember.


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Remember how calm you felt as you boarded the plane?

Remember how you felt on the shuttle talking to the driving Joe? Butterflies in your stomach as you made your way to the lake and he told you all about his artist son who just graduated from school, his daughter who’s married — he said he finally felt like his kids had moved on. He rambled on keeping you company as you enjoyed the green landscape.

Remember what it felt like to pull up to Brae Cove again and put your luggage in the same room? Time stood still as you walked in the living room and took it all in — the smell, the warmth — and remembered what it was like back in September. You had this moment of panic wondering how this experience would compare to last fall (it was so amazing) and then you realized it would be exactly what it needed to be — and it was.

Remember what it was like seeing Elizabeth for the first time after all those months? You were suppose to meet Lauren to get your materials, but there she was, walking out of the dining hall to welcome the “new arrival”. When you saw her you couldn’t wait, but ran out to her. She gave you a big squeeze and said, I didn’t know it was you I was coming to greet. Remember you couldn’t stop smiling? It felt good to be with her again.

Remember when Elizabeth asked all the instructors, on the spot, to share with everyone (the group of 200) their favorite most inspiring teacher? There were several names you could have picked, but it was Adam that kept coming to your mind. Of all the things in your life you could learn he has taught you about some of the most important — love and sacrifice.

Remember that first night sitting around the fire meeting all the other woman in your cabin? They were all teachers and you loved learning what each of them specialized in. There are some seriously creative people out there — I’m grateful to know a few more of them.

Remember being thrilled to share a room with the uber talented Helene?  You met her last fall and was grateful to be able to get to know her even better. She has such a delightful french accent too.

Remember the sound of rain gently hitting against the roof as you drifted off the sleep?


Remember watching Thea walk out of breakfast with that big smile on her face ready to teach her class? As you watched her go you couldn’t help, but wonder what that would feel like to you to be heading toward your class the next day. Remember watching her go you never thought you would leave Sunday feeling like she had been missing from your life.

Remember having Thursday to yourself and going for a run after breakfast to clear your head and get the day of travel off you? It was a beautiful run full of oxygen. Can’t believe how little there is at home.

Remember that run is what tempted you to get in the, I don’t know, 50 degree lake? It was freezing, but I was so warm I was willing to go for it. I think Jill, who was on the dock knitting, must have thought I was insane, mostly because I was taking self portraits.

Remember what it as like meeting Tory, the wedding photographer that was the videographer for the week, for the first time? You’re not sure you made such a good impression as you asked her to please stay away from you with her video camera. You should have known by her response that you would end up friends by weeks end.

Remember the first time you heard Time by Jonatha Brooke and you were speechless? Jonatha sat in the cabin all afternoon, as you were reviewing your class and making some last minute adjustments, getting ready for her performance that night. When she sings, she shines.

Remember when you and Jen Gray helped her, Jonatha, with her presentation and listened to the stories of her mom while laughing and crying? Loosing a loved one definitely has a way of connecting and bonding you together — funny how so many of us have been touched by it.

Remember how fabulous her show was? How she made you think about what is most important in life? She is an amazing storyteller.

Remember when you talked to Adam and gave him the highlights and he mentioned ever so slightly to look for something in the mail? Even with his best efforts of sending the package the week before it didn’t make it in time. It finally did show up at home the Thursday after you got back. In it was summer shoes, a mixed cd full of good music, and a little note. you are so blessed.

Remember sitting around the fire thinking you should go and get your camera, but getting so pulled into the conversation you never did?

Remember, before the group photo at Long House Friday morning, playing with the gorgeous east light and taking self portraits with Alena and Thea and how much they made you laugh? You don’t know why you still find it amazing how quickly connections can form for the smallest of encounters.

Remember the warmth and the sun? There were moments of rain, but for the most part it was sunny and perfect.

Remember seeing your classroom space for the first time? After the group photo you began to set up your room so you would be ready after lunch. It was a great space, much darker than you had anticipated, but cozy nevertheless.

Remember all the little goodies scattered throughout?

Remember walking back slowly to your cabin taking pictures along the way enjoying your surroundings, the sounds and smell of squam lake? I loved having more time to roam and enjoy where I was before moving onto the next thing.

to be continued…