My sweet Tess is really hard on herself and never thinks she can do anything good because a) she’s a bit of a perfectionist, and b) she falls into the womanly trap and compares herself to others. Due to her insecurities every chance we get Adam and I compliment her like crazy on her strengths. I think it’s also particularly hard for her to really see what she can do because so many of her talents aren’t something you can show off at a talent show. For example, compassion. Tess has this innate gift to feel and sympathize with others that I haven’t seen in anyone before. It’s a beautiful thing for me, as a mother, to watch and learn from.

Yesterday I ran into the school to sign up for SEP conferences and bumped into Tess’ teacher who told me what an excellent job she’s doing in math. In fact, she was the first one done with her assignment and is showing a great understanding for the subject. Later, when I saw Tess in the hall she was all aglow when I asked her about it. I could tell this meant a lot to her because she has struggled with other subjects and again, it was something she could actually share.

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Last night during FHE we had stations with different activities that we rotated around and one of those activities just happened to be math (Bella put this FHE together and did the math station just for Tess). When it was Tess’ turn for math we sat and played with the flashcards for about two rounds. I admit, I was impressed by how quickly she went through the cards and so happy to see her enjoying the learning process.

Tess I hope you know how proud I am of you and not because you’re so good at math, but because I can see in your countenance how you shine when you believe in yourself. You are better than you give yourself credit. Remember, we have all come to this earth with different strengths and weaknesses for a reason. Use your strengths to better yourself and others, and accept your weaknesses as a vehicle for growth. I love you. Never, ever change.