Last night I had the privilege of listening to Emily Freeman speak, the author of 21 Days Closer to Christ. She spoke about many things that touched my heart, in fact, I frantically took notes while silently giving a prayer of thanks that I was there soaking up her goodness.

She made me really think and evaluate the way I pray and the way I study the scriptures. She reaffirmed my desire to focus on the important things in life and gave me another push to continue to seek for experiences to change my day, to focus on relationships, and to search for my purpose and what it is I have to offer the world.

But the one thing that stood out to me more than any other was to remember the special moments in my life. I think I do a pretty good job of this actually, but she made me think of it in a different way. The reason why we need to not only remember, but to document the special moments/spiritual experiences is so when the hard days come, when frustration and sadness rear it’s ugly head, when all we want to do is curl up and hide from the world we can look back at our special moments and remember we are not alone. Remember we are loved. It is also easier to wipe your tracks online once you have made the purchase by viagra pfizer online simply deleting the browser history. People usually do not realize generic levitra pill the fact that how good would they perform during the course of love. It can be secondary to diseases such as cancer, long-term (chronic) respiratory diseases, and heart diseases, as well as buy cialis india physical stress, it helps you in achieving harder erections. All orders placed are via secured online payment system browse around description generic levitra online and you may receive the shipment within the given time frame right at your doorsteps without any kind of hassle. Remember who we are. Remembering is what will give us the push to get on our knees and ask for the strength we need to move forward. “A prayer for strength never goes unanswered.” -emily freeman

I heard a talk a couple years ago that spoke on a very similar topic of writing our experiences down and I recall it’s what pushed me to look at my photography differently. It’s then I started focusing on documenting my everyday life. While I love this tremendously and feel like I have folders and folders of captured memories, I realize there are still so many moments that need to be documented that can’t be captured in a photograph.

Today I’m devoting my afternoon to making a small book I can carry around with me so I can write down my special moments wherever and whenever they happen. So I’ll never have to wonder and I’ll always know God knows and is aware of me.


–do you have a book for your special moments?