Thursday night I had my Woman’s Conference meeting for the presenters. I’ve been dreading it for a couple reasons 1)it means it really is real and going to happen and 2)now I’ve got to really start thinking about writing my message.

I thought the meeting was very inspirational. Julie B. Beck who spoke last night said, “the most important thing that happens is what we become while preparing.” And “welcome the task that makes you go beyond yourself and you will grow.” I left feeling confident that I could do this and that it will be a life changing experience for me.

Then President Samuelson (president of BYU) spoke and let’s just say the pressure is on. He said,
-We were carefully selected from a pool of names to be presenters at this years woman’s conference. It was not a decision that they took lightly.
-A lot of sisters come seeking answers to specific questions and have chosen your class for a reason…you will be there answers.
-If you create an environment so the Holy Ghost can teach, then you’ll be successful.
-We are authorized to be a great blessing in the lives of those who attend.

Next Sandra Rogers talked about the Woman’s Conference theme which is “Choose ye this day to serve the Lord“. I should have known, but didn’t know what this years theme was and couldn’t believe that it was basically my word for the year. More than anything else I saw it as a tender mercy from God and knew I was inspired more than I had originally thought to pick “choose” as my word to focus on. She said,
-Our agency is so important that God was willing to loose 1/3 of his children for it.
-We need to actively seek after the Savior.
-Our choices are infinite.
-Christ exercised His agency to do the Father’s will and by doing so He chose us.
-“Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.” -2Nephi 2:27
-Being proven is the Lord’s grand test
-Help those attending feel a desire to come unto Christ by the choices they make.
-Each of us brings something to the Gospel that no one else can bring…we each have something to contribute.

When it was over I met the two other woman I’m presenting with. It was clear after reading their bios that the WC committee wanted to have a different perspective from women who were at different seasons of life. Deca Durabolin is often causes erectile dysfunction at the time of visit. viagra pfizer sales here Musli is well-known for the aphrodisiac properties of black gram. super active viagra This must come as a relief if it has discount levitra disturbed you for sometime. cheap levitra on line They tend to contain a mixture of different esters of testosterone. We talked about a few ideas, but agreed to take a few weeks to ponder about the topic and how we should split it up and meet again to discuss.

So I went from feeling inspired to a bit overwhelmed to inspired again. Like I said it was one of those events that helps you feel confident and full. I left feeling like there was a purpose for me and a reason for my being there. I’m so glad I attended (I’m surprised it wasn’t mandatory).


I found out my class is Friday, April 30th from 2-3pm. When I told my friends I rode up with this info they said it was a hard time. I’m thinking, ya because I have to wait through both days before I present, but then I realized they meant because no one will be there. After confirming my suspicion she said, just don’t take it personally. Duly noted. So if you want to be one of the few lucky woman in the room (you know you want to) and don’t want to (or can’t) go to any other sessions, I can get you a ticket for $8. Let me know by April 2nd and I can order if for you.