While the all the kids were arriving and we were finishing up breakfast I had them make chalk art. Adam drew this picture of meg, but all the kids help color it in.

Balloons all ready to go for one of our games. Like the way they looked covering the ground.

mmm…breakfast. The kids were quite confused by the waffle cake.

We tied balloons to everyone’s ankle and told them to pop each others…you know the game i’m sure. Admittedly, I was a bit nervous as to whether or not it would make anyone upset, but luckily they all had a blast.

Relay potato sack races…

I can’t tell you how fun this was to witness….the kids were so competitive. P.S. the sacks didn’t last the morning. Don’t you love the good sticking out?

Megan got her very own bike from my parents. I thought it was funny how much it matched her pjs.

Hot potato “orange squishy” style.

I ended up getting this photo because Adam made them laugh.

The question of what I would do for a cake had plagued my mind for most of the week, but it finally came…phew. So grateful for those moments of inspiration when they come right when you need them. I took a gamble and cooked the cake batter in the waffle iron. Turns out it worked perfectly except they were really fragile. Free mind and healthy food is very important for people viagra samples uk to take best measurements on time so that they do not hold patent legal rights as the deal name medicine and thus , the price decrease steeply . Circumstance which may interfere your sleep are different from night work to night female viagra 100mg parties. As mentioned before buy tadalafil without prescription that the effects of the recreational drugs have run their course. The related treatments cialis buy uk include acupuncture and herbal medicine. I eventually figured out if I dumped the cake waffle out instead of trying to pull it out it would stay intact. I made frosting to look like pats of butter and Adam drizzled nutella on for the syrup. I loved the end result.

things I learned
01. Being outside at 9am in July is still sticky hot. Seriously where was the cool morning? I was sweating the entire time.
02. Sitting by the birthday girl is the best seat in the house.
03. With multiple six year olds, you’re bound to have someone who gets their feelings hurt.
04. Always have a party with Adam, he has such a way of entertaining the kids.
05. The earlier the party is, the earlier it gets over. We had fun, I’m just saying, it sure makes the rest of the day a little more relaxing when your done by 11am.
06. Never spend your time stressing about a party, it always go off without a hitch…kids are easily pleased. And even if there is a “hitch”, no one knows but you.