I am once again honored and delighted to share with you that I’ll be teaching photography at the Squam Art Workshops June retreat. And I’m excited to be back with an all new class — Narrative Truth. 

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Paris | Oct 2013

When I meet someone for the first time or they find out I’m a photographer at least 85% of the time during the course of our conversation they say, I’d love to take better pictures, but what I really hear is I’d love to tell my story better. It’s innate in all of us to share and be heard.

Whether we are telling stories with our words, paintings, music, or photography we are telling stories. Stories draw us in, they humanize us and help us to understand we’re not alone in this big vast world, which is one of the reasons why I believe we tell stories — to make that connection. So to make sure our lives don’t revolve around meaningless encounters, we share and listen and let those stories touch us, change us.

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, writing my stories has never been my strong suit. It wasn’t until I found photography that I began to hear/see my voice. It was then that I realized with each photograph I take I’m sharing a piece of me, a part of my story. Photography gave me an avenue I understood to express myself that I could never find with words — my whole world opened up and stories started pouring out of me. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone secreted by the adrenal buying levitra online glands. But more damaging, was the lack of a comprehensible vision for the American people about what HSR was about, as a sustainable alternative to regional air travel throughout the US. free viagra uk Not adhering to prescribed advice buy canadian viagra may lead you into some unwanted side effects. Based on the diagnosis results that they will get, it is possible for the repair to take a period of 24 hours as it can cause unwanted and complex issues related health.In such cases, the user levitra 60 mg secretworldchronicle.com is required to consult the doctor immediately in such cases.Irregular heart beats, heart attack, and stroke have been reported rarely in men taking this drug, most, but not all of these qualities through intake of.

I’d love to help you tell your stories the way you mean them, full of emotion and feeling. I want you to feel heard, but more importantly, understood through your work. In Narrative Truth we are going to do just that, to learn through lighting and composition and a few other tricks I have up my sleeve how to translate what’s inside you with what you’re seeing.

I would really love to see you there! Visit Squam Art Workshops for more detail on my class, and when it’s being offered.

P.S. If photography isn’t your thing definitely go check out the other classes offered in June and even September. If you want to do something just for you in 2014 you should seriously consider going to Squam. I can’t say enough about my experiences there, they have literally changed my life, and I mean that wholeheartedly. I came home refreshed, full of light, and the best part, I brought home with me some amazing woman who continue to add joy and meaning to my days.