Knowledge is power.
Knowledge is power.
I have to keep reminding myself of that when all I want to do is close my eyes, plug my ears, and hum through all the words being spoken. Sometimes it hurts to know. You expect life to go one way and when you’re hit by a curve ball you want to stand up, shake it off and yell I’m ok. Everything is ok. When it’s not though, knowledge is the first step. Actually I’m thinking maybe admitting is the first step. So I guess we’re at the second step and now that we know we have the power to do something about it.
The thing is one of my girls is really struggling in school. It came to me as a complete shock one day when I was volunteering at the school. The teacher just kind of vomited all this information on me and took me completely off guard. I mean, I knew she struggled with reading, but didn’t know it was bad enough where the student teacher would be saying something like, “what do we do with her?” So we set up a daily schedule and we worked to help her improve and she did. What we were doing at home was making a difference at school, however, the improvement seemed to be short lived. A few months later another stream of information came at me again about how she’s struggling and not making it. Again frustrated, begging for ideas of how I can help, what I can do, and with each time seeing some improvement–but apparently not enough.
Then yesterday it all sort of came to a head. I think they (teacher & student teacher) were hoping all this time, as the year progressed, that it would begin to click for her–it’s not clicking and she’s pulling further away from the class, but that’s not the hardest part. My daughter is a pleaser and wants to do well so the most frustrating piece to this whole situation is that she is trying her best, but just not making it. Can I tell you how much this hurts my heart to hear/see? She has been working so hard all year, but she’s just not getting where she needs to be. Yes I am intentionally being vague about all the details, but what I’m hearing doesn’t sound like something more hours with a tutor can fix.
So I’ve been doing some research, trying to figure out what the next step should be. I’ve been wondering if maybe she has some kind of learning disability. I don’t want to label her in anyway, but knowledge is power, remember, and if I can do something more to help her I will. Right now, Sildenafil has been produced cialis soft 20mg by lots of companies with different names. These make the internet order viagra the best place to buy Kamagra. Why does the testosterone level begin viagra cost to decrease? The puberty is the time of transformation of the young people. This blue pill can be bought online through generic pharmacy websites. visit content generic cialis online When I brought this up to the teacher during our conversation she said, by law, that wasn’t something she could discuss. Seriously? All this politicking has to stop. We are talking about a little girl who needs help.
Now I must stop here and say, her teacher is a dream. A dream. I could not have hand picked a better person to be with my child this year if I tried. She has been a gift and blessing to us. I believe she loves my daughter and is willing to do whatever she can to help. I have been forever grateful for her patience, for the extra attention she has given my child, and for caring enough to not let my daughter slide by unnoticed. So my little girl is lucky. She has a lot of people looking out for her and a lot of people in her corner wanting to see her succeed and ready and willing to do whatever it takes to help her get there.
Her teacher did end up giving me some suggestions and a few places to start. She keeps telling me what a visual learning she is and how a lot of these tests are not tailored to visual learners so maybe that’s all it will be, but regardless of what it is or isn’t we’re taking the next step.
Needless to say this subject has been nonstop on my mind since yesterday. I’ve debated back and forth whether or not to share it–I don’t want to harm or embarrass my child in anyway. However, I believe in the power of sharing with each other. I’m hoping by putting this out there that some of you may be going through or have gone through a similar experience and can help point me in the right direction. Help me know what to do to keep it a positive experience, after all, all I want is for her to be happy. I want her to feel successful and to have confidence in what she’s doing. Although education is a huge part of childhood it is not the only part and she excels at so many other things. I just want to empower her and help give her what she needs so she can succeed.
thanks for listening.
have a great weekend.
xo g
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