I feel I am half here today. Megan had me up with her all night with a fever and her tossing around in bed. I tossed and turned myself by her side hoping her fever would break and that rest would find her and me. It didn’t until about 4am and boy was it hard getting myself out of bed to get the other two off to school.
I finished These Is My Words last night and although I thought about chucking the book across the room like Hannah, I resisted and clung to her beautiful poignant final words and then cried myself to sleep. What some of us are asked to bear at times seems unfathomable, but the person we become on the other side of heartache is what makes living possible and what keeps us moving. I was content in knowing Sarah was able to move on with her new life still keeping him in her thoughts always.
As I was reading through the book it occurred to me what a novel idea it is to have a journal. I know silly right? My blog is basically my journal, but it’s definitely missing some things that I find so beautiful about a book of ones words. 1.
privacy (your not writing to an audience) 2. my own handwriting 3. you don’t have to spell check or check your grammar. It’s your unabridged thoughts written down on paper bound up just for you. I have missed writing with my hand and the randomness of my thoughts that I find I weed out to make my blog readable. So i think I will start a journal this year. It will definitely not take me away from blogging, but hopefully encourage me to keep thinking, which will in turn help me formulate and then share my thoughts as they come.Do you have a journal on top of blogging?
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