This week has been a strange one (always weird to come back from out of town) and somewhere I feel like I’ve missed a day, which in turn has got me feeling like I’m playing check up. Laundry’s calling my name, so is my house, Bella and her violin need me, dinner, ironing (yes, I iron now), yw assignments, exercise, etc. All and all I have lots I need to do, but instead I find myself prioritizing things that aren’t as important like playing with a new toy, working on my OR album, or reading.

I’ve decided I get this overwhelming feeling when I am not making good choices. I have the guilt real hard. What I mean is, I know what I should and shouldn’t be spending my time on so if I don’t make the right choice I’m very hard on myself (I believe this is my reason for feeling like I’m going in circles this week). Really I’m fighting, fighting my strong nature to be selfish. I so hate this part of me and I try hard to push it deep down, but there are times when I just get frustrated and I don’t care anymore and let the selfish side take over, do what I want to do, for me, and let everything else go. It is a vicious cycle, I know, and I wish I were better at not giving up when I feel that way, but sometimes, honestly, I just don’t want to do one more thing.


It’s hard to watch myself make progress and then fall two steps back. I keep waiting for it to get a little bit easier each day to make the right choice and each and everyday I still am faced with the same battle. Indications of Bariatric Surgery: As per MOS – INDIA [metabolic and obesity summit], guidelines for bariatric surgery: BMI [Body mass index] 37.5 cheapest cialis kg/m2 without serious related diseases. Shockwave sildenafil levitra therapy in most of the cases is known for improving penile health. Generally, the medication is shown in cheapest cialis from india erectile dysfunctions and untimely ejaculation. levitra vs cialis The product enhances the muscle relaxation process thus leading one to have more of hard erection. I guess somethings just come easier than others, but it’s hard to sit here wishing it was a different battle that I faced. Don’t we all, right?

So today I am grateful for strengths and the little bit that I did do for those in my life I cherish. Here’s to tomorrow. Starting fresh. To committing myself to doing what I should have done today, this week. In fact forget about starting tomorrow, how about now. I’ll start now. You know I have found when I write down how I’m feeling, it all begins to make sense and I understand my frustration and always walk away refreshed and ready to tackle anything. Love that about blogging.

one more halloween photo to share from trick or treat last night.

Randy called this staging since I directed the kids under the light, but to me it was noticing a good opportunity and taking it.