The last several days I have been once again going through photos and getting photos printed. I’ve order over 400 prints just from this year. I always enjoy doing this because I end up finding gems, like this one of Bella. I was just talking about her eyes with my sister in law Amy today and then I stumbled across this.

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sept 2006

She really is beautiful and the kindest heart you will ever know.

Anyway, seeing this reminded me of a conversation we had recently. She approached me with her sad sad face and I wondered what was on her mind. Usually it had to do with someone not sharing or what not, but this time it was different.

b: “mom, you know how we stayed at Whitney’s for 2 weeks and 2 days”
m: “Yes”
b: “Well, lately I’ve been L_O_N_E_Y (misspelling it as the tears started to swell in her eyes)”
I must admit I was shocked by this since she is constantly surrounded with little girls to play with I would think she would love to be alone. After giving her a big hug the conversation continued.

It was a tender moment, one that sounds simple enough, but sadly doesn’t happen too often. I feel the older she has gotten the more she keeps her emotions close to her. I’ve feared it’s a part of her she didn’t want to share with me, but this gave me a glimmer of hope that she does want me in her life this way.

I want nothing more than to have the best relationship with my girls and hope they know I love them and will do the work it takes to show them I’m here.

I’m listening.