I wasn’t aware until a couple of weeks ago that I have truly found my place. I was in the primary for 8 years before moving on to the young womans program. It was a strange transition for me, I had been so use to hanging out with 5-8 yr olds, but I was excited for the opportunity. I remembering being so terrified the first time I taught them, and as I figured out, for all the wrong reasons. It wasn’t much different from the younger kids except the questions they would ask. I quickly learned that along with my normal prep I had to be ready for the questions that were bound to come my way. My girls were thinkers.

I’m not sure what’s happened in the last few months, perhaps the girls trust me more or I’m beginning to realize I’ve found my place, but my class time could not be going better. It seems each lesson the spirit is there and I can tell the girls are getting it, that they care and want to know. Yesterday was no exception.

We got to class late because we’re learning a song for New Beginnings so I felt I had to rush through my lesson, but I just kept feeling I should let the lesson take it’s course. It was on gifts of the spirit and to tell you the truth I didn’t imagine I would get very many questions. The leader that is over me was in the class and she gave an example of the power of faith. Her newborn was having heart problems and she knew without a doubt that if her father could give her child a blessing all would be ok and sure enough it was. Her son is now on a mission. I was glad she shared her story and then I moved on. I could see in front of me one of the younger girls in my class struggling and then finally she raised her hand. I quickly finished my thought and than called on her. Changes in veins can also affect the erection of the male click my amerikabulteni.com generic tadalafil india reproductive organ. It involves amerikabulteni.com cialis prescription a lot of complexities. Fortunately, there are a number cheapest levitra of ways the problem of erection can be solved. cheapest cheap viagra You can buy many of the most popular ways to get rid of endometriosis. After hearing the story of the leader’s son she became very confused as to why her faith wasn’t strong enough to save a cousin who was born with problems. Her family had fasted and prayed, given blessings, but in the end the baby didn’t make it. She wanted to know, “why wasn’t my faith strong enough?”. I was caught off guard and as the girls was asking she started to cry. I of course was touch by her question because I have certainly been there before wondering why my faith wasn’t strong enough. It’s an amazing thing what happens when the spirit is in the classroom. Suddenly my mind was flooded with being that age, going through tragedy, feeling of helplessness and anger. I was also reminded of the RS lesson that I read last week thanks to so many of you who spoke about on your blogs. With all that information rushing to my mind in seconds I was able to give her a meaningful response that I felt she would be able to take with her.

When I walked out of the classroom yesterday I was shown again that things do happen for a reason in our life. That perhaps the experiences that I’ve had, good or bad, can be used to help others through their journey. I never would have thought my heartache or confusion I felt years ago would help someone overcome one of their struggles today. Life is beautiful. What a gift we have been given to be able to touch each other for good. To help each other along the way and take part in each others life. Though I know it wasn’t me who taught that girl yesterday…I’m utterly grateful that I could be used, if even for a moment, bringing peace to someones life.