My visiting teachers came over this week and we were talking about our individual eternal potential and it got me thinking about what it is that takes us away from seeing who we are and what we are capable of? For me, a lot of it comes down to fear. Fear that I’m not good enough, that I’ll never find my voice, that I could fail.

It’s weird to have this feeling that anything is possible, but then let my fears creep in and cause me to pause. This morning I finally got the book I had been anxiously waiting for, Taking Flight by Kelly Rae Roberts in the mail. I’ve been devouring it all morning, absorbing her words and being inspired. In there she says,

“anything is possible in our lives when we stop denying ourselves the chance to see our own potential.”

When I read these words a light went on. For far too long I’ve been afraid of what I’m capable of because that means I need to put myself out there. After all the more you know the more you need to do. Life can be a very safe place when you don’t push yourself and explore what could be and I don’t want to be safe anymore. I’m giving myself, as hard as it is, permission to be vulnerable.

[Kelly Rae inspired painting that’s not completely done. Still need to fill in the face and add a few other details.]

For a long time now I’ve been trying to find my voice. It is second generic version of sildenafil tablets sildenafil citrate and available in different forms of tablets, soft tablets and jellies these days. Internet has made it cialis 40 mg easy for people to experience erectile dysfunction occasionally. The study also reported that more than 60% of men who underwent the treatment experienced ED, although few of them reported no particular lack of interest in sex but they felt less masculine and described about much lower sexual activity, capability and enjoyment. buy generic levitra The Bottom Line! In cheap viagra pills most cases, there will be no effect in the drugs in the body. Along the way, I’ve realized I draw inspiration from what others have done and when I duplicate their work I learn, I grow, and continue to find the things that will make me unique. There was a time when I thought I wasn’t unique at all and that maybe my talent was simple figuring out and creating others work; however, through this last year of trying new things, I’ve begun to understand that our voice is often found by exploring others. We learn from each other and take pieces of them into our own life. Is that not why we have each other? To help us grow and see our own potential…to become our best self. I don’t think we could ever be what we are without the people in our life supporting, cheering, challenging, pushing, and inspiring us to continue with our dreams.

I love thinking that what we are and who we end up becoming are all pieces of the individuals we let into our life. It made me think about blogging/internet and how it allows me the opportunity to learn from individuals I would have never known other wise. I’m definitely a better person because of it. I’m not sure where my creative endeavors will take me or how my story will play out, but I do know that I am grateful to all of you who have inspired me one way or another to find my voice and help shape my journey.

So whatever it is holding you back from your dream or your goal, let it go, and just go for it. Fly.