
“Saving up a bag full of peak moments she’s going to have someday if she can ever get away from all the same old stuff that’s holding her back & you can pretty well guess how it’s going.” -story people

I found this online last night as I was doing my usual Sunday night internet wander (my sunday nap always seem to kill my sleep) and couldn’t help but laugh as I managed to find the one quote that completely sums up how I am feeling at the moment…frustrated at my own lack of ability to conquer and make a change for good. Why must I learn and continue to learn the same lessons over and over again?

Perhaps my “old stuff” is my stuff (challenges that take a lifetime to learn i.e. confidence, selfishness, worrying about what others think etc.) and I just need to remember to allow life to move as I patiently let go of that which is holding me back. Apparently I need a constant reminder that life is the process of creating (creating because it implies doing) happiness, learning to find the good where it does and does not exist. The ingredients of VigRx help increase penile measurement and thus improve sexual power generic sample viagra and capacity of fertilizing eggs. What is the adverse effect of Kamagra? Kamagra may cause some side-effects commander levitra Don’t take Kamagra with a nitrate drug for midsection torment or heart issues. It is an ejaculation of semen within the bladder rather from best prices on sildenafil your penis. This life cycle lives on in and through the lives of your children, even after they age out of the system and even generic levitra brand after they declare independence. Perhaps then I can begin to take from my pretty green bag my “peak moments”.

[ps I just now noticed (7pm) that two of my key words (stuff and move) were erased from the second paragraph as I was trying to change the font and unfortunately I published it that way. I am sorry to those who were trying to read it and couldn’t understand it because of that. Sadly I’m sure it came as no surprise.]