Life is good.

I have nothing to complain about, well, I guess I can think of a few things.

But despite trying to be optimistic I have had a very rough week. The kind where I don’t quite feel myself. Like I’m in some type of time warp and I can’t get myself back to the here and now. It has been really hard on me and I find myself in pensive state.

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And when I feel this way I pull away. I hide. Retreat. I can’t deal with myself and the world seems so much more daunting. I have thought many times about blogging, but what does complaining do? I didn’t want to feel validated I wanted to feel myself, to get to that point I felt good again, where I felt I was giving instead of pulling others down with me.

Today I can see the light. I never know where comes or how it goes, but how grateful I am when it leaves me. I attribute a lot of my changing state to the friends who have contacted me in the last few days, who have given me something with each interaction. I was reading the January ensign yesterday about service and how allowing others to serve you is Heavenly Father’s way of helping you. I had never really thought about it that way, but it makes so much sense. To someone like me who resists help, thinking surely I can do it without, just realized I was resisting the answers I was seeking. So thank you to those who have taken your time for me. For offering whether I took you up on it or not. It has meant more to me than you will know.

So here is to better days. For happy days. For rainbows and clear blue skies. To good light and air conditioned homes. Here’s to life and to good friends.