12of12 | February
01) Today the girls were out of school so we all slept in. YES! 02)Adam has been coming home after the gym to make breakfast. This is a change from the years he left
12of12 | January
01) This use to be a regular thing for us, me doing Megan's hair, but lately she has wanted her hair down. She's always mixing it up. Love that about her. 02) Some days
another year of 12of12
I love putting this post together, taking a walk down memory lane and revisiting all the "twelves" from 2015. All of them together tells a complete story of our year or just about. Don't
2016 word
I know it's Christmas Eve but I've had two things on my mind this last week. 1) December daily. I'm definitely doing it. I know Christmas is all but done with, but I've got
Gratitude Journal 2016
Hello. I hope you are all having the most wondering Christmas season. For me, it has been full of joys and a few setbacks, but for the most part, I have been extra grateful
12of12 | December
01) I was up at 430am this morning. Not a good place to be on a Saturday morning when all I want to do is sleep in, but I made the most of it