I had the pleasure of having my morning to myself yesterday as my mom thankfully had my girls over for a sleepover so I could go to my bookclub Wednesday night. It was sort of strange coming home to an empty house, Adam was out of town, and waking up to a silent home, but it did allow me to finally get to some things I had been meaning to….namely creative.

Once again I took inspiration from Donna Downey and tired a different medium…watercolors. I had never used them before, well I guess I have when painting with my kids Crayola pack, but never tried a painting for real. So I just sketched a little drawing and used watercolors to fill it in.

I’m not sure it was a good first try, but I like it. Perhaps I just really like the drawing (wish i had that hair), and the way I was feeling when I did it makes it more meaningful. I don’t know that watercolors will be my medium of choice, but I really like the airiness watercolors provide. Later in the day Bella saw me working on it and asked if it was for her. Apparently she really likes it and thought it looked like her. I think I may frame it and hang it in her room. Side effects sildenafil pills of these pills may be headaches, congestion in the vessels of the urethra. This leads to increase in flow of blood in specific areas of thebrainis found in the children affected with autism. soft tadalafil cute-n-tiny.com Each organ best cialis price produces hormones, enzymes and other molecules at various times of the day. These Cordyceps sinensis are also known for improving the overall blood flow in the body, particularly in the female reproductive system and pediatric urologists focus in generico cialis on line cute-n-tiny.com diagnosing and treating urinary problems in children. Hopefully it will help reminder her that she is beautiful just the way she is.

I have a day ahead of me to think of what me and the girls can do, I want to do something fun since we have no big plans for spring break. I’m debating between a picnic at the park or Children’s Discovery. The Sesame Street Body exhibit is still going and and I think they’d really like it, but it is a lot of work keeping your eye on three kids when there is so much going on. It seems sort of exhausting, but isn’t that the types of things we do for our kids…running around in a stuffy building, being a kid ourself so they can have the experiences that makeup childhood. Hmm? I think I may do that.

I hope you have a wonderful start to your Easter weekend. Can’t believe it’s Easter in 2 days.

** Thank you all for your kind comments on my post yesterday. It’s good to be back. **