It’s always around this time, as it is with most people, that I reevaluate my goals and make new ones or keep the old ones that are incomplete. It was a little discouraging for me to see many of my goals for 2008 go unfinished. Then I heard this quote on Sunday and it really struck a chord with me.
I do not believe that any man lives up to his ideals, but if we are striving, if we are working, if we are trying, to the best of our ability, to improve day by day, then we are in the line of our duty. If we are seeking to remedy our own defects, if we are so living that we can ask God for light, for knowledge, for intelligence, and above all, for His Spirit, that we may overcome our weaknesses, then, I can tell you, we are in the straight and narrow path that leads to life eternal. Then we need have no fear.
– Heber J. Grant (April 1909)
My brain works in lists and I much prefer to add something to my list so I can check it off and move on. I’m now realizing many of my goals are a process and can’t just be check off a list and forgotten about. It doesn’t matter how long it takes me to finish as long as it’s something I’m continually working towards. It is true that it is one of the best in cialis tadalafil generico that regard is the Sildenafil tablets. It takes a lot to achieve an erection, which involves nerves, brain, spinal cord and finally male sex organ. viagra sale Without love the life of a person purchase viagra online is like a prison with no excitement or entertainment. Diabetes mellitus, more commonly referred to as Diabetes, is a group of kidney disorders caused by overnight viagra online depositon of immune complex that damage the kidneys’ filtering system, the glomeruli. So instead of getting discourage when I look at my list, I am now happy about the strides I’ve made this year (2008) and feel encouraged to keep on moving….keep on trying. For instance, I was hoping to be able to run a 10k by the end of the year. Unfortunately I am far from it, but I did start running and can now run for 10 mins, walking 1 min 3x (does that make sense?). So I am progressing and that’s all that matters because we all work at different paces. And it may take me another year to work up to a 10k, but who cares how long it takes as long as I’m trying.
It’s a shame some goals can’t just be crossed off our list, but I believe it’s the doing that makes the difference in helping shape us into the individuals we want to become. I have a lot of work to do and I know I could try even harder to do my best, but I won’t let myself get discouraged. I have such a positive outlook on this new year…I feel like the skies the limit and that anything is possible.
Where ever you find yourself tonight when the clock strikes 12…be safe, have fun, and by all means have a Happy New Year!
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