You guessed it…this is my wake up time. Not wake up and have some time to myself wake up time…no wake up to the girls running in my room getting in my bed, fighting over who gets to lay by who, and asking for food. I don’t get it. Yes, they go to bed at an early time, but even if they go to bed at 11pm, like on game nights, they still wake up bright and early. It’s sort of a running joke between Adam and I because there is no more sleeping in on weekends, expect of course if we are planning on getting up early. You know bagel day was based on the fact that the girls woke up so early. Megan was just a baby and Adam was trying to give us both more time to sleep so he took Bella and Tess out of the house. Where else can you go at 7am on Saturday? I don’t even think Adam sets an alarm clock anymore. cheap levitra 20mg A combination of pharmaceutical and natural remedies is the best approach for introducing programs that address educational, psychological, and social needs of children. People with TC are m ore likely to develop erectile dysfunction. find description cheap levitra and treat ED or ED related problems. This medication should only be eaten levitra sale go to these guys if man is sexually aroused. Depending on the issue at hand, treatment options can be given to help with this. best buy on cialis We just know what time we are going to be woken up. This morning I heard them coming rolled over to look at the clock, and sure enough it was 6:.30 sharp. No Joke. This is no joke. It is a problem and I would like to get it solved. I will never understand those of you who have kids who sleep in. Never! I am waiting madly for day light saving and hope that will still and allow me 1 more hour of peace. I can only hope.
That’s a sad state of affairs. Landon and Whitney got up at 8:30 this morning. Rats.
What time do you put you kids to bed? Have you tried putting them down earlier? I usually put Kaitlin down between 7:00 and 7:30, and she sleeps until about 7:00 or 7:30 the next day. She’s like your kids, though–if I put her down at 11:00 or 7:00 the wake up time is basically the same. Unfortunately the books that I’ve read about sleep all say that a 6:30 to 7:30 wake up time is perfactly acceptable and even preferable (when an early bedtime is in place) for young children. Frustrating, I know, but just think. Someday they will start going to the kitchen fix their own breakfast and leave you alone! In the early morning light (or darkness) that day seems like it will never come.
Well this doesn’t surprise me a bit! these two little guys over here…are like yours…they are up right about 6 or 6:30 no matter if they went to bed at 8 or at 10!…well, I don’t know if Alexei’s (hour and a half) nap makes a difference…I don’t think so…since when he doesn’t take naps he still does his routine!